Building Bonds, Driving Success: Where Ideas Spark Transformations

Did you catch the buzz about Brand Mender and B-TRNSFRMD’s epic meet-up in Mumbai? Imagine a room full of brilliant minds, unstoppable energy, and ideas flying around faster than chai orders! ☕✨
It wasn’t your typical boring business meeting (no stiff handshakes here!)—this was pure collaboration magic. From brainstorming like pros to cracking jokes like old friends, it was the perfect mix of hustle and humour.
This wasn’t just about ticking off agenda points; it was about vibing, syncing, and creating the kind of synergy that makes the world sit up and say, “Damn, they’re onto something!” 🚀
Cheers to this powerhouse partnership—can’t wait for what’s next! 💥
Our Success Mantra : Work Hard, Play Harder!

Do you know that Brand Mender found the secret to being a more productive workplace? Can you guess?
Yes, you are right! It is the simple “Fun Friday” that makes our virtual workplace feel like a playground.
At Brand Mender, employee happiness, or what we like to call “Delight Drive” is a very big and celebrated affair. Not only does it make us emotionally invested in our work, boost morale, and make us work better as a team; but it helps us relax and recharge.
At “Thank God It’s Friyay or TGIF,” we have our unique system of games and activities for team and individual fun and relaxation.
Here is a sneak peak of our TGIF parties which consist of our team who come from different backgrounds, ages, cities, and cultures- coming together and creating team synergy to keep work and play going forward.
The TGIF parties help us uphold our values like Innovation, Intuition, and Flexibility but mingled with unbridled Joy, Fun, and Frolic.